
Servcie Fees

Service Fees

Effective from: 01 April 2024

Driver or partner fees or commission

The driver fees or commission is referred to as Service Fees. These fees are calculated based on the driver's earnings from the previous month and are charged to the driver on a monthly basis. This implies that drivers pay the service fee in the second month of their service. The fees vary depending on the type of services offered, ranging from 4% to 9%. The differences in the percentage of fees are attributed to variations in the fare or price charged to the passenger, which differ according to the type of service provided.

We also provide an option for our drivers or partners to switch from percentage-based fee calculation to a fixed monthly amount. Similar to the percentage-based fees, the monthly fixed fees range from RM 100.00 to RM 400.00 per month, depending on the service type. This option is available with the objective of enabling our drivers to maximize their income when their monthly earnings benefit from the switch. It's important to note that this switch is one-way and cannot be reverted back to the percentage-based calculation

For business entities such as fleet businesses, B2B business arrangements may involve a different set of fee management structures.

At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to modify the percentage and fixed monthly amount at any time to address future challenges and issues. Any changes will be communicated to drivers promptly.

The Service Fees are payable by you before or on 10th of each month through payment channel of Our Solution and are non-refundable. We have the right to terminate or suspend you from accessing the solution if you failed to pay the service fees. This no-refund policy shall apply at all times regardless of your decision to voluntary terminate your access to Our Solution, our decision to terminate or suspend your access to Our Solution, disruption caused to Our Solution whether planned, accidental or intentional, or any reason whatsoever.

If you have any questions about the quality of the Service please contact us by email: